Getting to BruxellesOn Friday, June 30th I arrived in Bruxelles.
The trip was pleasant: 5 hours by minibus to budapest, waited for 3 hours, than a 2 hours flight to Charleroi, and finally 30 minutes by bus to Bruxelles.
I was very curious of my reaction when flying since it was the first time, but it was great, I love when the plane turns one side, it's like a rollercoaster :)
Reception in Belgium is different than in Timisoara for a new commer. We usually take good care of the new foreigners but here is different. Might be a combination of the fact that Belgium people are not so warm as Romanians and on the other side there are so many foreigners in Bruxelles that here is not so special to welcome a foreigner.
Living in BruxellesAdress: Rue Masseaux 41
Neighbourhood: The turkish one
A 4 rooms' apartment with kitchen and bathroom, 2nd floor
My room is 20 square meters, currently taken by Kevin. At the moment I am staying in the guests room by the end of July when MC transition is over.
Collegues in the apartment: Makis Karras (Greece) and another 1-2 foreigners. By the end of July Amritha (India) is staying there also.
First activities On Friday I watched the last part of Argentina-Germany, went to the apartment, went around the neighbourhood for turkish food, got it, went back home and went to bed quite early.
On Saturday I went shopping to a supermarket which is very cheap, and than went to a picnic as one of the Romanian trainees in DHL is leaving, Daniela Ababei from Brasov. The picnic took place in a beatifull park called Parc de Woluwe. There were probably 30 people from 20 counties and the boys got to play football.
Saturday evening I went to an alumni who was celebrating his bithday and we also got to see France-Brazil 1-0
On Sunday I went shopping for more than 3 hours as July is the sales month in Belgium so prices for some products drop with 10 to 60 percent.
Romanians in Bruxelles
Since I arrived I met 6 Romanians, either having an internship, either working for a multinational company. I got to talk to some of them inlcuding Ase (Adriana Selage) former LCP in Timisoara 99-00, MC and MCP 01-02 and AI 02-03.
Tomorrow is going to be my first day at work :)
That's it for now!
I am looking forwrd for your comments