I also feel the need to balance my life, to be busy with other things like reading, watching movies, getting back to people I care about, thinking of the future etc.
In the last 2 months (since I last posted) I have been challenging myself, appreciating more what I used to have in Romania, trying to understand how Belgian people function, understand better my feelings and ... again ... thinking of the future.

I realized that if I follow a certain path after the MC year it will take me on an unique road of my life. There aren't 2 of a kind!
Some things will happen if I decide to stay in Belgium, to return to Romania or to go for a traineeship in Brazil or Austria. The same if I choose to stay in AIESEC or join another organization. The same if I join real estate, IT&C, banking or consulting industry. The same if I choose HR, finance, CSR, production, logistics or sales department.
Of course I am trying to figure out where I went to get in the end which is again interesting :) Depending on this I will choose the industry, the orgzanization, the field of work, the country, the city ...
The process is very interesting ... I love it!!! I feel so alive!!! I am deciding the next years of my life and I will take responsability of my decision no matter what!
Now, an interesting perspective I got from a research of a HR Belgian guru. He is saying that between 23-25 to 30-35 you should be guided by what is interesting for yourself and give yourself the opportunity to try whatever you want. Around 30-35 make a well-thought plan and give the best of you, you will have enough experience to know you want, enough skill and confidence to succeed. This way you will reach 60 achieving something in life, happy with the diversity in your life ...
It sounds like the T-leadership approach on life-long term ...

The road that keep me busy these days ...
Soon I'll put some pics and share some interesting experiences ...