Some of the things happening
Sports: in this 3 months I practiced squash (more than 5 times), volleyball (once), tennis (once), skiing (2 days in Romania). Now I think I am already in a better shape, some pants that didn't fit 3-4 months ago are fitting again
Romania: I went there for 2 weeks in January: I loved meeting the people there, my good friends, warm and kind. I miss you guys!
I also had reintegration shocks: I got really angry when I was about to plan something with someone and than he/she was saying "We will talk later/tomorrow", but I got over it, this is the way people are, no stress, we have time and space :)
Muntele Mic (Small Mountain) - I went there with Mada for 2 days, it was a blessing, I got so relaxed and full of energy. Definitely skiing is the sport that is most beneficial for my mind and soul :P
My collection - I have a cool new passion: collecting small figurines and objects. So far I have: Maneken Pis, Marsupilami, 2 smurfs, The Atomium, a hedgehog, a pig, Nemo, fowl + male, DHL van, man on top of cab, Daffy duck with gun, a compass, 2 castagnete, a shell with candle, bracelets from India and Palestine, a "Fish" card and a Greek thing which I don't remember how it is called :)
I already have some next targets - pieces that should definitely be part of the collection: Eiffel Tower, wooden shoes (i only have huge ones) and the mascots of the 2008 Olympic Games in China. Next days I might receive an Egyptian pharaoh :P
ME: I was busy figuring out how I am, which environments I like and so on. I got to very interesting conclusions.
First is that for me it is a lot about people: I make new friends very hard but the ones I have I cherish them and want to be close to them.
Second: I have changed since I am in Belgium from very oriented on results and achievements to people and human relations.
Third, fourth, fifth ... many small and big things. I even retook a test I did 1 year ago to see how I have changed and the changes are obvious ...
Many other things happen: Christmas dinner with Belgian family, MC vote of confidence, EB elections in my LC, NatCo, NYE party, visit in Durbuy, PAI elections, meeting my family and living with Mada for more than 3 weeks :)
I am keeping this post general and neutral since I don't like sharing very personal things with a keyboard and a screen ;)
Some pictures:

--> in my room