Thursday, June 15, 2006

Welcome to my blog

I've created my blog with a special ocasion:

On June 30 2006 (2 weeks from now) I'm leaving Romania, going to Brussels, Belgium for 13 months. I'll have a job in AIESEC in Belgium as national vice-president on People Development (HR somehow).

There are many people I care about and I did this blog especially for them, so that they can read about what's going on in my life even though I am not in the same city, country, continent or planet :) as them.

I am inviting you to post comments or write me emails any time you feel, I will be glad to hear from you also :)


Florin Ghinda said...

Very nice! Congratulation!Welcome to the cyberjurnal space:)

May have an "traitoare" experience and may have enough strong emotions & feelings in order to share with us...


Unknown said...

Bine Dane!
Mie mi-a fost drag de tine X LCP @TM si ma bucur ca o sa pot sa mai citesc mesaje de ale tale "intelepte si moralizatoare"!
Sa faci valuri in Belgia cea "flata"!

inspiratie, Ioana :)