In the years to come other events happened in London, Madrid, India, Pakistan etc. In the meanwhile I moved to Istanbul and since I moved here 2 terrorist attacks ocured, one at a mall and one at the British embassy. 23 people died and over 100 were injured. I was either out of Istanbul or the place of the attack was far from were I was so I felt safe. As if it happened somewhere thousands of kms from me ...
At the beginning of this week I was in Georgia while “police carried out more than 60 raids in İstanbul overnight against Islamist and lefitst militants suspected of planning "sensational attacks"”. 2 people died and 7 were injured in a shoot-out; a passing by teenager was one of the victims. Details
Some of the headlines in Turkey these days:
1915 events among Turks and Armenians branded by Obama as “great atrocities”, avoiding the g-word. Details
Ergenekon - an alleged clandestine, secular ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey with ties to members of the country's military and security forces which is accused of terrorism.
On top of all these May 1st came. In Turkey this a very special and delicate day as in 1977 over 30 people died, details
Since then May 1st was not an official day off in Turkey until this year when government decided to make it so. The trade unions, as usual wanted to make demonstrations so they did; it all ended up with molotov coktails being used, tear gas, water canons and stones. Details Zaman & Hurriyet.
Since I live close to Taksim where all these things happened MY street was also part of the events. Demonstrators, bricks form the pavements, men with sticks, broken windows, tear gas, water canons – I was watching all these from my terrase at the 6th floor. After a while I couldn’t stand as the pepper gas used by police was hurting my eyes and had to go inside. One of the active parties was called "Kurtulus Partisi", Kurtulus is also the name of my street which ends in Ergenekon street ...
21 police officers were injured and over 100 people were detained during May Day events in Istanbul.
Please see some of the pictures I took from MY house!!!
All these happened while we were preparing for a great Moroccan cous cous lunch on our terrase which we actually had after tear gas effect was gone :)
why worry? ...
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